Salam readers..

This blog is my personal collection of recipes.. I learnt cooking when i was about 13 or 14 yrs old from my lovely mummy.. I started with writing the recipes in a school notebook yg kotak2 utk maths tu.. I dont even remember where I put that book dah hehe.. Then I translated (eng > bm), typed, printed and filed them for easy reference for our house helpers.. This file has been in my mummy's kitchen for a longgggg time..

Now that I'm married, I've learnt some new recipes obtained from the internet, whc I tweaked to suit our tastebuds.. So kira internet recipes tu dah modified to our own liking la.. And of course I'm also learning new recipes from my MIL too.. Apart from my mum, my MIL and the Internet, I will also feature recipes sent by my friends here.. ^_^

Most of the recipes in this blog are very simple to cook, very suitable for us women who doesnt really have the luxury of time to cook an elaborated meal.. Sekali sekala ok la kan..

I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy sharing the recipes with you.. Happy trying! Happy cooking!

Thursday, August 26

::claypot chicken rice pki rice cooker::

heh.. apa punyer tajuk da.. hahaha.. ok, ni lebih kurang mcm claypot chicken rice yg byk jual kat foodcourt tu kan.. tp of course bila kat umah pki rice cooker je la.. takde maknanyer nk buat pki claypot tuk sorang satu.. lagi2 kalau buat recipe ni tuk raya.. tak ke haru kalau nk kena buat tuk 20 org pakai claypot?? hahaha.. so ni cara yg sesuai tuk kita buat kat umah.. happy trying!


sos tiram
kicap pekat
kicap manis
kicap cair

halia - hiris nipis
bawang putih - cincang/tumbuk/blend
beras - bersihkan


1) perap semua bahan A dulu for at least 30 mins.. 
2) bila da smpi time tuk masak, tumis halia dan bwg putih pastu masukkan ayam yg dah diperap. jgn buang sos perap tu, nnti nk guna balik..
3) besarkan api dan masak ayam tu smpi ayam masak/kecut
4) pastu baru masukkan sos perap td dan gaul bersama garan dan gula. bila da mendidih, tutup api.

1) bila beras da dicuci, masukkan dlm rice cooker.
2) masukkan air utk masak beras, tp amount air tu kurang kan dr time2 biasa kita masak nasi tu..
3) tekan la 'ON'/'Cook' tuk masak nasi anda hehehe..
4) bila nasi da separuh masak, masukkan lauk ayam td dan gaul rata..
5) pastu masak la lagi nasi tu smpi la nasi tu masak.. 
6) siap da..

**makan la bersama nasi dan ikan masin.. :)

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